> 文章列表 > 春节前几个重要的事情英语





The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. On the day before the Spring Festival, people are busy with preparations. They hang up spring couplets on their doors. On New Year\'s Eve, families usually gather together to celebrate...


The Spring Festival is a highly significant festival in China. Similar to Christmas in Western countries...

春节前人们做哪些活动用英语表示 - BYXsmyBObL1 的回答 - 懂得

Before the Spring Festival, people engage in various activities. One common tradition is to buy new clothes so as to start the new year fresh. Another popular activity is to invite relatives and friends to visit, which is a way to show respect and exchange good wishes. In addition, setting off firecrackers is a customary way to drive away the evil spirits and bring luck and happiness...


The Spring Festival is an extremely important holiday in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year, and serves as a time for people to buy gifts such as flowers, meat, fruits, beverages, and more. The festival is especially exciting for children, as they get to receive red envelopes filled with money as blessings from their elders. Additionally, families gather for a grand reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. The Spring Festival is truly a joyous occasion that brings people together...


Chinese New Year FestivalChinese New Year is the most important festival in China. It falls on different dates each year as it is based on the lunar calendar. People celebrate the festival by doing various activities and traditions. Before the festival, there is a tradition of thoroughly cleaning the house to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year. Families also put up decorations like red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets to bring good fortune. On New Year\'s Eve, families gather for a reunion dinner, where they enjoy traditional dishes. During the festival, people also participate in dragon and lion dances, light fireworks, exchange gifts, and visit relatives and friends. The atmosphere is filled with joy and festivity, making it a delightful time for everyone...


1. What will you do before the New Year?2. If you need a short passage, here it is:Before the New Year, I usually engage in various activities to prepare for the Spring Festival. One important task is to thoroughly clean my house, symbolizing the removal of any negative energy and making room for luck and blessings. I also buy new clothes to wear, as it is believed to bring good fortune and a fresh start for the new year. In addition, I decorate my home with red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets, creating a festive atmosphere. Finally, I make plans to visit my relatives and friends, offering my good wishes for the upcoming year. The preparations and anticipation for the Spring Festival bring excitement and happiness...


Before New Year\'s Day, people in China are occupied with various tasks and preparations. One common activity is shopping, as people buy gifts, decorations, and food items for the festive occasion. Shopping malls and markets are bustling with activity during this time. Additionally, people engage in thorough cleaning and organizing of their homes, known as \"spring cleaning.\" This is done to remove any negative energy and welcome good luck for the upcoming year. The combination of shopping and cleaning highlights the excitement and anticipation building up towards the Spring Festival...


Translated text: Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. On New Year\'s Eve, people gather to have a big reunion dinner, where they enjoy delicious traditional dishes. After the dinner, families stay up late to watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV, which is a variety show featuring comedy performances, music, and dance. During the festival, people visit temples to pray for blessings and good fortune. They also participate in various cultural activities such as dragon and lion dances, lantern festivals, and traditional games. It is a time filled with happiness, warmth, and celebration...


The Spring Festival holds great importance for us. It is a time for family reunions, cultural traditions, and spreading of joy and blessings. The festival brings people together, strengthens social bonds, and showcases the rich cultural heritage of China. During this time, we express our respect for ancestors, convey good wishes for the present year, and create lasting memories with our loved ones. The Spring Festival is not only a marker of time but also a symbol of unity, renewal, and hope...